miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

2nd Term 2016 / LEVEL 4 >> POST 1 (Week 3) >> A COUNTRY I'D LIKE TO VISIT

Hey! I want to talk about a country I want to visit my hole life.

All my life I want to go to visit New York City, this place is like a dream to me, because there are many places to visit and learn from the different people to live there. I like the differents customes or traditions of the people, I'm interesting in vistit and go to all sector to characterize this fabulous city.

Artistically is techniques cradle, there are many places to take classes, see different shows of all of disciplines.

I want to live there, there is one of my life goals. I want to study and learn everything of dance and musical theatre, I would like to work in a dance company or a musical theatre company, or work cleaning of Broadway theatres. And obviously watch Broadway classicals like Chicago, Cats, Wicked, The Lion King, Hairspray, Billy Elliot and all plays I can see in this place.

Resultado de imagen de new york city

Resultado de imagen de broadway street

2 comentarios:

  1. "or work cleaning of Broadway theatres" very funny!!

  2. I would like to go to NYC too, and of course the first thing I would do is go to see a broadway musical, must be amazing!
