miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016


Hello there, today I'm talking about how I wish it were my career.
Like an everbody knows the conditions of studies of our faculty are not the most optimal. The infrastructure is a great demotivation for me, the fact that we could not enter alcases on the due date because there were not enough rooms to start the year, or that the elevator falls every week, or that there is no cafeteria or a Ideal place to eat, to a patio where you can be. Or that we do not have access to the books in the library, that we do not have enough computers to work with dignity, or that there is no toilet paper in the bathroom and very everyday things that should not be missing.
Having such structural disadvantages is not a great motivation for a place of study, especially with a heavy workload as my career.

We are supposed to work with our body but we enter every day very early in the morning, preventing us from resting the hours necessary to be able to physically perform as we are required in classes.
In terms of the load time, maybe it is not the amount of classes I have but how they are distributed, I insist, enter every day at 8am makes my performance lower, I would not bother leaving later to enter 1 or 2 hours later.
I would like to change the way in which you can take the subjects, to be able to choose the subjects that are my interest and need, not the ones that the career forces me to take for what they believe, by obliging me only take away my interest to study.

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Post 6 Postgraduate studies

Well, analyzing it well, even if something I have not thought of, my priority now is to finish the undergraduate and then to see and decide what I want or what I would like to continue doing in my development in dance.I've many plans to study later but I still haven't decided what. One of my plans isn't to study here, outside the country there are better possibilities of study, learning and non-miserable labor field.

I'm sure that when I study, I will do it freely. Something like that in light hours and with hours worthy of rest. I'm a person who doesn't work well under pressure because I don't perform as I should.
I would like to study something in relation to somatic practices and pedagogical methodologies. Something I find very important to handle, despite just dancing or choreography.

But first I must dance it all hahaha, dance as much as I can until I can no longer. This is my moment of interpretation, then there will be better moments of maturity, absorption and learning.
For now I think that I do not have the maturity enough to take advantage of everything that interests me or all the material that they give me daily to the theoretical contents of the dance. I still have a lot to grow.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

Post 5 My future job

I don't know yet what I'm gonna what to do with my life in danza. I will like to work as a coreographer but I don't know where or with whom. I don't deny to work in a company. But I still do not know if I work in a company for all my life is what I really want to do, I feel that my moment of interpretation is now and not when I'm older.

Probably end up doing classes like the great majority of the dancers, and choreographers of the world, doing masterclass or working in external areas in what they studied but always in relation to dance, I am also very interested in the relation of fitness and dance, in how to condition The body and keep it relatively healthy.

I would love to be in a place and present myself constantly in theaters but I still can not find my way and if really being in a theater or in a company is my destiny, I still do not stop for what I really am good and that limits me to being able to make plans For the future.

For now I can only say that I am entering the fitness area to work on it and how to relate it to dance and what I study. I believe that if I stay in this area I have many possibilities to have a stable job and travel to do workshops around the world.

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

My worry and fear.

Since I was little school it made me feel very stressed, study under pressure and render to the authorities, where everything is competition, where if you don't had a good qualification the teachers said that women would be servants and men would be cardboard collector. It was impossible not feel pressured to not have to be "that" when we grow up. 
Many times under pressure gave me severe headaches and stomach pains that were not calmed with anything, thus being a frequent visit to urgencies and observations when I was 8 or 9 years old.
I grew up don't want to go to school because teachers don't teach, and they wanted to copied everything they do and said. And I didn't want that for me.
This situations happened to in elementary school and high school I worried that it would not happen again.

Today at the university this situation has not changed much, I still feel under pressure everyday both from me and the authorities to be able to fulfill what they want me to do.
As I have more control over my body and emotions I don't go hospitalized but I often give attacks of tears, obviously in secret so as not to seem dramatic.
And that's why for now it's my biggest fear, I'm afraid that it will happen again and that my body reactions in a much more serious way. That's why I can't wait to not go to college to never feel like this again.

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Pets and Animals

Today I want to talk about my favourites animals and share with you my little dog.

I don't know why I love rhinoceros but in my opinion they are very cute and powerful.
In 2011 I saw a documentary about Rhinoceros, I knew they were in danger of extinction because humans they take out his horn and sell it to private companies because his horn has a lot of keratin, this is equivalent to 1kg of rhinocerous keratin is more expensive than a 1kg of gold.
Regrettably black rhino tt's already extinct.
This documentary makes me to become aware and look from another perspective because you have to take care of the rhinos.
Thanks to this is I want to take care rhinos  but I don't know how to do it, I fell in love of rhinos and I want to tattoo one.
Thanks to "Garonga" and "Rhinoceros sanctuary" I love them everyday.

Baby Rhinoceros. S):        amazingly beautiful black rhino:  

Black Rhinoceros:

Chanel <3
This is my little dog Chanel, she's a poodle toy, she's my baby, the gave me when she was 45 days old, she was very little, they gave me in a gift bag and I thought it was a cuii and in my mind I thought What I'm gonna do with a cuii if I wanted a dog!?" And obviously I was wrong there's a puppy! and was the little Chanel.


She thinks she's human is one of us in aour family, is really affectionate, always is with us, sleep with us, sit with us and other things. She's like a baby ehen we go, we must always take her in her arms to make her feel valid.


Today she's 1 year and 6 months old, and every time is more part of our life and family, she is our eternal baby in the house and I love her so much <3


miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

The best concert ever!

I went to see Coldplay on April of this year in National stadium.
Coldplay is a music band British, was born on 1996 in London. They are 4 member  Chris MartinGuy BerrymanJon BucklandWill Champion.

My mom is fan of Coldplay. I grow up listening to them and I like them too. We love Coldplay, we have all albums and we know all songs and we dedicate it.
In 2007 the came to Chile and we wanted to go but we didn't go because my mom was pregnant of my little sister and there was no money in that time.
We were waiting all tour they make and expecting they came back again.
In 2015 they announce that will come back in April of 2016 and my mom says: "This time I'll go!"

In Christmas the first gift was gave us with my little sister was a ticket of Coldplay, and my mom tell us that we all of us are going to see Coldplay!! My sister and I we were very happy!
My mom tell us there she was waiting 5 hours to buy the tickets because there were many people, when she could buy the tickets there aren't what she wants. Finally my mom could buy others ticket for 4 of us.

We were waiting 4 months very exciting to see them!
Finally the day was come and there was a unforgetable experience despite having been in a bad mood that day.
At the stadium they gave us a bracelet and when the concert starst all bracelet was lit up with colors and all stadium was illuminated.
 It was a stellar moment!

Resultado de imagen para coldplay a head full of dreams tour

Resultado de imagen para coldplay a head full of dreams tour

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

2nd Term 2016 / LEVEL 4 >> POST 1 (Week 3) >> A COUNTRY I'D LIKE TO VISIT

Hey! I want to talk about a country I want to visit my hole life.

All my life I want to go to visit New York City, this place is like a dream to me, because there are many places to visit and learn from the different people to live there. I like the differents customes or traditions of the people, I'm interesting in vistit and go to all sector to characterize this fabulous city.

Artistically is techniques cradle, there are many places to take classes, see different shows of all of disciplines.

I want to live there, there is one of my life goals. I want to study and learn everything of dance and musical theatre, I would like to work in a dance company or a musical theatre company, or work cleaning of Broadway theatres. And obviously watch Broadway classicals like Chicago, Cats, Wicked, The Lion King, Hairspray, Billy Elliot and all plays I can see in this place.

Resultado de imagen de new york city

Resultado de imagen de broadway street

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

Session 6 Post 7 Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?

Alvin Ailey
Alvin Ailey (January 5, 1931 – December 1, 1989) was an African-American choreographer and activist who founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in New York City. He is credited with popularizing modern dance and revolutionizing African-American participation in 20th-century concert dance. His company gained the nickname "Cultural Ambassador to the World" because of its extensive international touring.
His most important work, Revelations (1960), was based on the American Negro spirituals. They traveled around the world, including Australia in 1962 and Senegal in 1966. They became in 1984 the first group performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, where most of its components were black. In 1985 he toured China. 
His works include works such as Blues Suite (1958) and Mass (1971, with music by Leonard Bernstein. He was choreographer for some other companies besides his own, as the American Ballet Theatre, the Paris Opera Ballet and the Joffrey Ballet, for which he created Feast of Ashes (1962).
I like him very much because his language it means so interesting to me, the way esthetic form installing the body.


Level 3 Post 5 My favorite photograph

This is my uncle and I, he's name is Aquiles, he's the brother of my mom, he came to visited the family on summer 2014, he doesn't live in Chile, he live in Sweden since 2003 and he had not come since then. He has gone to Sweden for better oportunities and lifestyle.
He tooked a selfie with his cellphone at my home, we're bored watching TV and we didn't know what to do, and he tooked his cellphone to remember every moment however simple it out.
I love this picture because shows the a lot of situations when we are joking or having fun with a little things like an app on his cellphone.
We are very close, he's like to my old brother. He always helps me on everything in spite of the distance. I've been thinking to visite him or move in with him someday. He's very important to me, he's the best uncle that life could give me.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Level 3 Post 4 Free/Themed blog post Holidays in Chile

I'm pretty bitter, I don't like holidays, but I can talk about new year. My dad prepare dinner, we used to eat baked lamb every year, is a tradition, while we eat, we opened the bottle of the good stuff and read all the things we lived that year. I like this moment from this holiday than others holidays, I love remember things with my family at home, is a "Stellar moment". 
I don't go out to celebrate that is de bad thing of this holiday, I always wanted dance in a party with my friends. I don't like dressed pretty and nobody see me,
The last new year I spend with my cousins and we dressed very pretty all, and we take pictures, and they see me, it was very exiting, I love my cousis, they are part of my life and they always been with me on holidays.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016


I don't have a favourite movie or a favourite genre, I just see that. I love watching movies especially on sunday morning when I wake up, and I slept well. On sunday I wake up later than I usually do, and I stay in bed almost all day if I don't have to go out I watch movies and series.
I generally see movies on cable TV, and when they end I keep watching movies on Netflix.
I like to watch movies with my mom but she doesn't have time or that's what she says, so I end up watching movies alone all sunday.
I like to watch "El 7mo vicio" I learn very much about movies and I love to see new movies or other perspectives of films. I discovered a lot of genres that I didn't know I liked, like psycho, horror films, biopics, investigation and documentaries.
When I don't have nothing to do I remember any movie it caught my attention and I watch it in the midnight, especially horror or psychological movies.
I like romantic movies too, but just a few, I don't like "clichés" but is the energy of love is powerful I love that! My favourite romantic movies are Jane Eyre, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare in love, Attonement, The Notebook. All these films characterized because they are set in another time.

Jane Eyre is the first movie I can understand the powerful of love, I was 7 years old when I watched it, I watched with my mom on lunch time in a channel called "Showbiz". I never forget that day, it was cloudy and cold.

I love musicals there's the most I enjoy it, I like to analyze the staging, or costumes and obviously the choreography and singers. My favourite musicals are Chicago, The Rocky horror picture show, Hairspray, Grease, Cats, and others I can't remember now.

I like very much films that talk about psychological problems or mental thoughts or drugs like Funny Games, Psycho, Donnie Darko, A clockwork Orange, The Shining, Trainspotting, Requiem for a dream and many more.

I enjoy watching short films, I love this format and makes me think about everything.
Well so you've seen I don't have one movie or genres favourite because I love see everything!

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Level 3 Post 3: Write about your favourite piece of technology

I don't have a favourite piece of technology but the most one I use is my computer. I have it since christmas 2014, before that I never had a computer for myself, there was always one for everyone. I use it to watch series and movies on netflix, study and do my work for college. When I don't have nothing to do I mean, when I don't study, I see series until I fall asleep. How often I use it depends on what series I'm watching. I like it because it's mine and nobody uses it. It's always waiting for me. When my series ends I don't turn on my computer for a couple of days because I don't know what to do with my life and that is when I usually continue with my routine until another series premier. If I did not have my computer I would see the TV series or just not see series.
Now I'm seeing Gossip Girl, and Dance Academy (It is the second time I've seen it). And I've seen for years Pretty little liars, Gotham and Bates motel, I can't wait for the premiere episode of Pretty little liars.


miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Level 3 - Post 2 (week 4) > Expectations for a New Semester

This semester I have eight subjects, modern dance, contemporary dance, ballet, physical conditioning, improvisation, history of dance, music and english. All this subjects are very interesting but it means so much information and you  can think that it is impossible to understand. My favourites subjects are modern dance because I feel powerful in this class, improvisation because I can feel calm, free, and intimate with myself and ballet to make me feel a real ballerina although it may not be.
I worked in a company of musical theatre last month but I had to leave because with the subjects of this semester I can't go anymore. I currently work in a dance academy called "Fusión arte" and I'm the teacher of ballet class of little girls who are between 2 and 7 years old. I love my job, they are so cute!
Last year it was a very very bad year for me, so this summer I tattooed my arm to remember this moment and never forget that I don't deserve that, and I decreed this year I'm gonna be powerful and no one is gonna hurt me and I'll give my best as dancer and person.





miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

Blog Session 1 (Week 3) >> My Auto Biography English III Danza

Hey! I'm Kamar, I'm 20 years old. I was born in March 29th, 1996. Santiago, Chile. I studied my elementary school in Liceo Amanda Labarca, my high school in Instituto artistico de estudios secundarios de la Universidad de Chile (Isuch) and now this is mi 3rd year of dance in Universidad de Chile.
I live in Santiago Centro, in appartment with mi parents, my little sister, my grandma, my little uncle and my poodle toy. 
I don't have many friends, I don't like interact much with people, I don't nice, but I have a best friend, she's Camila Soto, we're friends since high school and now we are partners at the university. We lived many things together and I grateful everyday to be my friend.
I worked in a company of Musical theatre called "Luces de Broadway" since I back in class I have to go and prioritize my studies.
Currently work teaching ballet class to little girls to 3 and 7 years old in academy called "Fusion Arte". 
My life as a dancer is very quiet, since I left the company, I like very much take classes out of university and do other things.
I like sing, I think I could do well. I like take me pictures but my frustration is been a model. And I love sunny day after rain, makes me happy, I love cold days with sun!
I usually have bad mood, I like have control of everything, if it's not thar way I don't agree with nothing.